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Hi, I'm Neil Hooley

Cofounder of Sweet Hooligans Design


This is my Story 


While I came from a good home, I found myself entangled in the struggles of drug addiction. After seeking help and completing rehab, my path took a profound turn. I transitioned from those challenging times to becoming a pastor, finding healing and guidance in my faith. Today, I stand as an entrepreneur, grateful for the transformative journey that has brought me to this point.

Blessed with a newfound sense of purpose, I am now happily married to my wife Mindy with our three little girls, our “Sweet Hooligans”. My wife Mindy and I, driven by the desire to spend more quality time as a family and contribute to our income, embarked on the journey of starting our Etsy shop. To our surprise and immense gratitude to God, our first year saw us surpassing six figures in revenue. To our surprise, our venture has grown into a successful business, achieving multiple seven figures. As we revel in the joys of family life and business success, we are motivated by a deep-seated desire to pay forward the blessings we've received.

Our mission is to extend a helping hand to others, sharing the lessons we've learned on our path. We believe in the transformative power of starting an online business and want to guide and inspire individuals to turn their aspirations into successful ventures, all while expressing gratitude to God for His unwavering support throughout our journey.

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